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Despite temptation try to remain productive

Since coming back to uni I have really been struggling to get out of bed. My room was an absolute tip, my washing was a mountain high and I just felt hellish. I wouldn't say this is uncommon for us students with pretty all over the place sleeping patterns (I'm definitely guilty of that😂) but one thing that I don't do enough but makes me feel sooooo much better is being productive. It sounds easier than it is to do but once you get over the first initial barrier, you can begin with wee household jobs. Yesterday, despite it seeming like a mammoth task, I finally finished my photo wall and I tidied my room. It's wee things like this that really release a lot of the tension in my head. Have an added bonus and play your favourite playlist of tunes to keep you going! Certainly helps me humming along to my favourite tune! If you've got breaks at uni, despite your mind telling you to go home for a sleep, go to the gym, meet someone for a coffee or simply go a stroll. There are many great sources of mental release! Again I know it's easier said than done, it seems so daunting and again I am guilty of not doing it enough but get up and get going! :) you will be surprised at how much you can achieve! It's striking a balance and that will eventually end up into a routine that you can stick to 😃 you are a soldier and you can do this so never give up! You will get there in the end <3

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