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Love the skin you’re in

We all have insecurities. Some more than others but they aren’t oblivious to us and we spend a lot of time dwelling over them. We compare ourselves to others and we wish we could change the part of ourselves that gives us these insecurities. My insecurities have always been about how I looked and my constant struggles with my weight. I was extremely overweight from the age of 10-14 and this contributed to a lot of how I felt. As I lost weight I looked and felt a lot healthier by about the age of 16. Again, like a roller coaster, my weight went up again and by summer last year I was at my biggest. With rowing I lost 1 and a half stone by xmas last year and my weight has stayed down but with being so ill over summer and eating a lot of rubbish to try and help how I felt (failed every time) I am a lot bigger now than before. It makes me feel hellish sometimes. I don’t wear nice clothes, cover it up with hoodies and constantly paranoid with what others perceive me to look like. I spend a lot of time looking at social media, which also doesn’t help the matter as it contains so much photoshopped and fabricated material. As I’ve made new life choices, I start to realise how little what you ‘look like’ really matters in the world. I have a wee reminder that I like to think of when I’m down. The likes of Rosa Parks and Malala Yousafzai acted on what they felt was right and fought for their causes, was this at all influenced by how they looked? No, what really mattered was their courage, bravery and character which changed not only what they were fighting for but the world around us. We must remember that the content of our characters are much more important than our insecurities. We have to see beyond that and come together as one to achieve great things. Surround yourself with people that believe in that change. Be kind ALWAYS. Watch what you write on social media, try your hardest not to compare yourself to others and take comfort in being uniquely YOU. Because there isn’t another make. You are an original, you have so much worth and you are beautiful just the way you are. ❤️

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 Kathryn StockettThe Help

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