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I got to the stage during summer that I was desperate to get back to Dundee. However, when I finally did go back, I realised I wanted to go back home. What it made me realise is no matter what environment I was in, the way i felt inside my head still didn't change. I think often we associate Orkney with happiness and openness when actually I feel, as much as I sometimes agree with those statements, they aren't entirely true. It can be damaging for articles to come out saying 'Orkney is the happiest place in the UK,' I mean is it really? We have the landscape and the fresh air, and for that I am truly thankful. However, we cannot let this overshadow the fact that we all face issues on a day to day basis, it's just they aren't shown. We have the attitude of 'let's just get up and get on with it.' What I'm trying to say, is it's okay not to be okay and it's okay to want to take time for yourself. Getting over the first hurdle is always the worst, but once you get through it, you can only go up from there. Again I am very lucky to have been brought up in Orkney and I do love home, but I think we need to be aware of the fact that everyone we walk by is going through something we know nothing about. Be kind and friendly towards one another, compliment each other. Acts of kindness cost nothing but can make a massive difference to how someone is feeling.

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