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Winter is coming and it can be daunting so look out for each other

I personally can find winter quite hard. It’s lonely, cold, dark and generally due to lack of sun and energy I find it a lot harder to cope in. For folk of all ages, winter time can be particularly hard so it’s very important to be there for one another. Visit each other, meet up and generally keep one another company. When I’m home I like to dedicate some time to visiting not just my friends my age, but older friends too. One of my best older friends had just turned 79 when I went off to uni last year. Unfortunately he passed away a couple of months into my first year, right at the start of Winter. I found that incredibly hard to deal with as he had meant a great deal to me and had supported me not just as a neighbour but as a friend. I came home for his funeral and found myself feeling so empty not being able to hear or see him again. However what did give me some comfort was knowing that we had spent such quality time together and this especially meant a lot to him in the Winter months. He went to all my shows, supported all my concerts and we kept each other up to date with the ‘goss’ as we called it 😂 We joked to one another, listened to each other and just kept each other company. To older folk, it means a great deal to them to have company. I love when I’m home going to visit older friends because they are such wonderful companions and just spending a couple of hours with them can mean the world to them. They have some cracking stories too 😂😂☺️ I personally feel so much better once I’ve visited a friend. Christmas will come but often it’s the months after that can be tricky so be there for one another! Having a good support system at this time of the year is vital, so include folk, make sure you are including yourself however hard that may be and make your winter worth it! It is what you make it 😊😊 Make plans for your time at home during Christmas and after so you have something that not only you can look forward to but for others too! ❄️ Spring will be just around the corner!

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